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Liposomal Bamboo Silica

Available as bulk powder, capsules or private label


Suggested formulation for capsules or private label

Composition per capsule (daily intake)


Bamboo Silica

(of which 70% Silica)

280 mg

(196 mg)



LipoCellTech™ Liposomal proprietary Blend (Phospholipids)**

120 mg


*Nutrient Reference Values not established

**From non-GMO Sunflower Oil and RSPO certified sustainable Palm Oil

Other ingredients: HPMC (vegetarian capsule)

Does not contain: gluten, soy, lactose, GMO, preservatives, synthetic colours and flavours


Produced in a GMP certified facility, ingredients and production are in line with HACCP*** standards. All batches are fully tested for contaminants. We guarantee that this product is gluten free and GMO free.

***HACCP- (Hazard analysis critical control point) is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.

Or you can call the following number: +31 (0)35 3039 150

More about Liposomal Bamboo Silica

Silica is aanwezig in al vrijwel al onze weefsels. Hoge concentraties zijn te vinden in de pezen, botten, haren, nagels en huid. Silica is gunstig voor de gezondheid en sterkte van gewrichten, het kraakbeen en de botten. Ook ondersteunt het de flexibiliteit en soepelheid van de gewrichten.

Bamboe Silica wordt gewonnen uit de bamboeplant. Bamboe bevat een hoger silica gehalte dan welke plantsoort dan ook. Silica zorgt ervoor dat de Bamboe plant erg sterk is, snel groeit en tegelijkertijd enorm soepel en buigzaam is. Bamboe silica is een van de best opneembare vormen voor het lichaam, in liposomale vorm is het nog beter opneembaar.

Permitted health claims in Europe (EFSA):


  • Beneficial to the health and strength of the joints, cartilage and bones
  • Contributes to cartilage and bone building due to its high silica content
  • Supports the flexibility and suppleness of joints
  • Contributes to the alleviation of joint discomfort
  • Has a beneficial effect on immunological protection
  • Promotes joint comfort
  • Contributes to remineralisation in the bones